Biology Roadmaps
The SCNAT developed roadmaps for Large Research Infrastructures (LRIs) in which the needs of the different scientific communities are collated. These community roadmaps are aimed at feeding into the Swiss Roadmap for Research Infrastructures, elaborated by SERI. In 2021, the SCNAT published a first series of community roadmaps, including the Biology Roadmap. On the basis of these community roadmaps 2021, SERI has released the 2023 Swiss Roadmap for Research Infrastructures on June 2nd, 2023 (link).
Current status of the Roadmap process in general (March 2024)
Based on the feedback they have received on the previous roadmap procedure, SERI has decided to redefine the whole process for both the Swiss and the community roadmaps of the future (link).
2027 Swiss Roadmap for Resaerch Infrastructures
For the 2027 Swiss Roadmap for Research Infrastructures, SCNAT has received the mandate from SERI to update the community roadmaps for the years 2029-2032, by the end of 2024, in the different domains of natural sciences (chemistry, biology, astronomy, geosciences, …). The aim of the updated community roadmaps is to collect, in a bottom-up process within the Swiss scientific communities, the ideas and visions about which Large Research Infrastructures are needed at national and international level to stay at the forefront of international scientific research.
In biology, we held an online Kickoff Meeting to Update the Biology Roadmap for Large Research Infrastructures on Monday, 25.03.2024 and started with the elaboration of the Update of the Biology Roadmap.
If you are interested in joining the process, please write an email to .
Prof. Dr. Sandra Hofmann
Plattform Chemie
Haus der Akademien
3001 Bern