La plateforme réunit des chercheurs de 18 sociétés spécialisées suisses en biologie et échange avec les unions internationales. Elle s'engage pour la mise en réseau entre les différentes disciplines et pour la relève scientifique. Elle encourage le dialogue avec la société et la politique et transmet des connaissances spécialisées indépendantes.en plus

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Rigi Workshop 2022 : Cell Biology of Infection

Rigi Workshop: Where disciplines meet!

Do you want to increase your knowledge in the broad field of cell biology of infection? Join the 3-days workshop at the top of Rigi mountain, one fo the most scenic spot in Switzerland. You will develop your scientific network and discuss your research with other PhD students and experts in a friendly atmosphere.

Pflanzen (Symbolbild)
Image : northlightimages,

The SCNAT Platform Biology,
Prof. Dr. Hubert Hilbi from the Swiss Society of Microbiology (SSM) & the University of Zürich and
Prof. Dr. Urs Greber from Life Sciences Switzerland (LS2) & the University of Zürich
are happy to invite you to the Rigi Workshop 2021.

Cell Biology of Infection:

Infectious diseases are a significant threat to human and animal health, as well as to whole societies. Throughout history, viral, bacterial and parasitic epidemics have plagued humans and livestock. Major killers are viruses causing small pox, influenza or AIDS, bacterial pathogens causing plague, tuberculosis or typhoid fever, and parasitic protozoa causing malaria or leishmaniasis. The Covid-19 pandemic is the most recent example of an infectious disease with world-wide impact. Climate change and widespread travel augment zoonotic transmissions of infectious agents to humans, and bacterial antibiotic resistance emerges with increased use of antibiotics in humans and animals.

While the etiology and manifestation of infectious diseases are vastly different, unifying principles are that viral, bacterial, and parasitic pathogens interact with, infect and destroy eukaryotic cells. The pathogens subvert pivotal cellular pathways by producing toxins, effectors and modulators, and they activate the immune system of the host. These processes unveil fascinating and sometimes entirely new biology. An in-depth molecular understanding of processes underlying pathogenesis not only provides insights into the mechanisms of diseases, but also offers intriguing glimpses into the cell biology of eukaryotic cells. These insights eventually contribute to fighting and curing infections.

REGISTRATIONS are not open yet. They will start around June or July.

PhD students from all Swiss institutions of Higher Learning are encouraged to apply. Applications from Master students and Postdocs are also considered. The registration fee is CHF 150 (Master students can contact us for financial support). You can contact your doctoral school for the accreditation of ECTS.


The interdisciplinary topic of the workshop “Cell Biology of Infection” brings together students and experienced scientists to discuss the concepts of microbial pathogens, including bacteria and viruses infecting humans and animals or plants. The workshop features poster presentations, short talks and team work projects. Please find the preliminary program here.

Keynote lectures will be delivered by leading experts in the field:

Nikola Biller-Andorno (University of Zürich) “Risks and opportunities for society and medicine in times of pandemics”
Melanie Blokesch (EPF Lausanne): “Vibrio cholerae"
Roland Brosch (Institute Pasteur, Paris): "Mycobacterium tuberculosis"
Carmen Buchrieser (Institute Pasteur) : “Legionella pneumophila”
Gabrielle Vieyres (Heinrich Pette Institute, Hamburg. "RNA virus"
Michael Way (The Francis Crick Institute, London): “Vaccinia virus”
Cyril Zipfel (University of Zürich): “Concepts of innate immunity“


  • Biologie cellulaire, cytologie
  • Infections
  • Microbiologie


Plateforme Biologie
Maison des Académies
Case postale
3001 Berne