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Award Ceremony for the Prix Schläfli Biology 2024

Luogo della manifestazione

Université de Lausanne

Gabriel Jorgewich Cohen at the Biology25 and on lecture tour

Gabriel Jorgewich-Cohen
Immagine: Basil Minder

Gabriel Jorgewich Cohen is awarded with the Prix Schläfli 2024 in Biology for his work on accoustics in turtels. For a long time, turtles were regarded as largely voiceless creatures. In his dissertation, he has shown that they definitely do communicate acoustically – and his discovery is revolutionising evolutionary biology. The award ceremony will be held at the University of Lausanne, during the plenary of the Biology 25 conference on 14 February 2025.

During a lecture tour, offered by the Swiss Academy of Sciences, he will give a talk at the University of Geneva (11 February 2025) and at the University of Bern (18 February 2025).


Lingue: Inglese