La piattaforma riunisce i ricercatori di 18 società svizzere specializzate in biologia e scambia informazioni con le associazioni internazionali. Si impegna per la creazione di reti tra le varie discipline e per i giovani scienziati. Promuove il dialogo con la società e la politica e fornisce competenze indipendenti.di più

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SGV Newsletter May 2016

It is almost 2 years ago when the SGV has published the last newsletter in summer 2014. We had quite some changes during the past 2 years like e.g. a complete makeover of our logo and website, including for the first time also animal pictures.

SGV Newsletter May 2016

Our website is now hosted by the SCNAT (Swiss Academy of Sciences). Please be invited and take a look at our new makeover!

In addition, our newsletter will be distributed to a broader audience, it will be published in the Laboratory Animals, our official journal, the international journal of laboratory animal science and welfare. The journal has set up 6 pages per issue for News from Societies starting in 2016.

Dichiarazione Pagina: 17


  • Animali
  • Sperimentazione animale