La piattaforma riunisce i ricercatori di 18 società svizzere specializzate in biologia e scambia informazioni con le associazioni internazionali. Si impegna per la creazione di reti tra le varie discipline e per i giovani scienziati. Promuove il dialogo con la società e la politica e fornisce competenze indipendenti.di più

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Weighing of interests in animal experiment applications

Researchers who wish to conduct an animal experiment in Switzerland must submit a formal application. According to the Animal Protection Act, it is their duty to make ethical considerations in addition to scientific ones. This is done by weighing interests. The Ethics Committee for Animal Experimentation has updated the guidance for researchers to adapt it to the current framework conditions.

Cover Weighing of interests for proposed animal experiments
Immagine: SAMW

The application procedure requires researchers to demonstrate that the trial is adequate, necessary and appropriate to achieve the intended purpose. For example, the expected gain in knowledge must be weighed against the distress to the animals: pain, harm, suffering and fear. The updated guidance supports researchers in the final weighing of interests. The publication is available in three languages (d/f/e) and can be ordered free of charge as a printed brochure.


  • Sperimentazione animale