The platform brings together researchers from 18 Swiss specialist societies in biology and exchanges information with international unions. It is committed to networking between the various disciplines and to young scientists. It promotes dialogue with society and politics and provides independent expertise.more

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LS2 Newsletter September 2014

4 events are highlighted in this letter: - the 8th Apoptosis Meeting, 10-12 September 2014, Institute of Pathology at the University of Bern (Registration deadline has expired, but you can register by paying on-site), - the 2014 SKMB Gene Regulation Workshop - the Joining Forces Symposium: Macromelecular Assemblies, - LS2 Annual Meeting 2015 Zurich "Light: from the basis of life to life science technologies" (2015, UNESCO Year of Light). Registration is now open!

LS2 Newsletter September 2014

Authors: LS2, LS2


  • Life sciences