The platform brings together researchers from 18 Swiss specialist societies in biology and exchanges information with international unions. It is committed to networking between the various disciplines and to young scientists. It promotes dialogue with society and politics and provides independent expertise.more

Image: Johann, stock.adobe.commore

Science on Stage Schweiz in Wettingen

Science on Stage konnte seine Stage-Broschüren im Rahmen des Life-Science-Symposiums an einem Stand präsentieren.

Stand Science on Stage Switzerland - LSS 2019

Das Life-Science-Symposium des BioValley College Network fand am Samstag, 23. März 2019, an der Kantonsschule Wettingen statt. Science on Stage Schweiz war an der Veranstaltung mit einem Stand anwesend.

  • Stand Science on Stage Switzerland 2 - LSS 2019
  • Stand Science on Stage Switzerland - LSS 2019
  • Stand Science on Stage Switzerland 2 - LSS 20191/2
  • Stand Science on Stage Switzerland - LSS 20192/2


  • High School II